Friday, July 3, 2009

heyloos evrybody.. now its alr july!! time flies so fast.. sooner or later its gonna b the end of d year!!! gosh.. anw, why did ms deepa have 2 change our seats.. we were all happy wif our seatings OUR OWN SEATING ARRANGEMENT.. then ms deepa took away our happiness.. haizzz.. but now every1 changes their seats now n then when ms deepa is nt ard.. hehe..

then now, go new teachers!!! well since that some teachers had gone away n some teachers r being replaced due 2 d changing subjects.. So far MOST of d new teachers r okay.. ms lee is our new english teacher.. she's rly nice.. n there's ms lim who is our home ec teacher.. very fun!!! then there is d boring teachers mrs poh n d strict ms low.. haizzz.. why muz there always b boring teachers.. n some teachers try 2 act strict.. wth!!!!!

so far evrything is gd.... well except 4 d boring teachers ah.. n i love being wif my frens... hehe..

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